Publishing House
Comelio Medien is a specialist publishing house that was founded by Comelio GmbH in 2006.
The books are available from online booksellers and stationary bookstores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, from various wholesalers and can of course also be ordered directly from Comelio.


The XML area is particularly dominated by the author team Marco Skulschus and Marcus Wiederstein, who are among the most successful authors in the XML area in terms of both the number of titles published and the number of copies sold.

There are various books available for the two databases MS SQL Server and Oracle, which illustrate the use of SQL and the implementation of business intelligence solutions. There is also a book for each that introduces XML integration.
Social Sciences

Since Comelio GmbH offers software solutions for electronic questionnaires and survey evaluations in the field of business intelligence, several titles are available that were written by project members of a research project on this topic.